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Sylvain Goussot joins EPITA as General Director
An engineering graduate from École Polytechnique and Télécom Paris, Sylvain Goussot quickly developed a taste for management, strategy, and innovation. After participating in several projects and product launches, he joined Bouygues Télécom in 2012 to lead activities in management, strategy, and development. As the director of innovation for 5 years, he notably built and developed the Data Science and Artificial Intelligence team. Upon his arrival at TF1 in early 2020, he held the positions as Director of Distribution and Director of Data.
Sylvain Goussot will bring his experience in operational management and development of large units with the new tools of the business and his ability to lead complex projects to EPITA. Accustomed to embarking on initiatives with significant challenges, he joins the teams with enthusiasm and the ambition of a man who wants to lead EPITA to the forefront of engineering schools
says Fabrice Bardèche, Executive Vice President of the IONIS Group and interim General Director of EPITA.*

In the context of his various missions, Sylvain Goussot will be supported by Claire Lecocq, Deputy Director of EPITA and Director of EPITA Paris.
I am pleased to join EPITA to assist it in the transformations of the digital world with my experience in management and technological expertise. We share a common ambition: to train the computer engineers of tomorrow,
declares Sylvain Goussot, the new General Director of EPITA.