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Srinath Pydi Narayana Rao Class of Fall 2021 MSc Computer Science:

Embark on an inspiring journey with Srinath Pydi Narayana Rao, from student to cybersecurity expert at EPITA. Explore his favorite courses, cultural insights, and career advice that shaped his path from India to Internet of Trust. Discover how EPITA’s dynamic environment and global opportunities fueled his transformation and success!

Join us on an enlightening journey as we delve into the academic and professional experiences of Srinath Pydi Narayana Rao, a distinguished member of the Fall 2021 MSc Computer Science class. Srinath’s path took him from India to EPITA, where he transformed from a student into a valued employee at Internet of Trust. In this interview, we uncover Srinath’s favorite courses, his learnings from diverse cultures, and his invaluable advice for future students. Discover how his dedication and global perspective shaped his career and enriched his life.

What motivated Srinath to pursue a master’s degree in cybersecurity, and how does it align with his professional background and career goals?

Having worked in a company for more than eight years, Srinath sought to explore new opportunities and decided to pursue a master’s degree to gain deeper experience and knowledge in the field. He chose to align his career with cybersecurity, recognizing its high demand and critical importance. Coming from a multi-background in industrial security, Srinath aimed to build a solid foundation in IT security and apply it to his professional journey. His goal was to leverage a robust educational platform to enhance his understanding of IT security and integrate these skills into his career.

What made EPITA his top choice for pursuing his studies in cybersecurity?

EPITA stood out to Srinath as the right choice due to its strong international presence, rigorous academic standards, and exceptional industry exposure, particularly in cybersecurity. “During my university search, EPITA’s practical approach and extensive industry ties impressed me, aligning perfectly with my career aspirations,” he said. Compared to other institutions, EPITA offered a unique blend of theoretical knowledge and practical application, preparing students like Srinath for real-world challenges in cybersecurity. This comprehensive approach, combined with recommendations he read online, solidified his decision to pursue his studies at EPITA.

How did he feel about the cultural diversity at EPITA?

Collaborating on various academic projects provided valuable learning experiences. Working closely with classmates taught him patience and effective project management, ensuring timely completion. Others inspired Srinath to enhance his skills in the IT field, fostering a dynamic learning environment where knowledge exchange was constant and impactful.

What courses did Srinath enjoy the most? How does his study relate to his career?

All of the security courses at EPITA significantly aligned with Srinath’s career, providing valuable knowledge that he applies directly in his current role. Each course, to some extent, has contributed to his professional growth. Particularly, core courses such as penetration testing, and access management have been instrumental for him. Their concepts and skills have not only enhanced his understanding but also boosted his performance at work. What he learned at EPITA forms the foundation of his daily tasks and has empowered him to excel in his profession.

What was his favorite memory for his study at EPITA?

One of Srinath’s fondest memories from EPITA is Welcome Week, a time when he ventured outdoors for team-building and cultural activities with students from different batches. It was a refreshing break from the routine, allowing him and his peers to bond and build friendships that lasted beyond the initial gathering. The activities promoted unity despite their diverse backgrounds, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect among students. Beyond the structured events, informal conversations during breaks provided opportunities to learn about each other’s interests and aspirations. These connections not only enriched his experience at EPITA but also created a supportive network that extended into our academic and professional lives. Welcome Week exemplified EPITA’s inclusive spirit and highlighted the value of collaboration and cultural exchange in education.

How did EPITA help him find his internship and job?

Despite EPITA organizing events like Job Dating to help students find their internships in Paris, Srinath initially struggled. He had the opportunity to speak with recruiters but was not selected. Determined, he continued his job search independently, submitting numerous CVs. His efforts paid off when he was hired by his current employer, Internet of Trust.

He was pleased to share that he participated as a recruiter at this year’s Job Dating event. This experience allowed him to give back to the EPITA community.

What is Srinath’s job role now?

Srinath is currently a Senior Consultant in Cyber Security Consulting. In this role, he primarily focuses on the research and development of cutting-edge security products. His job involves working closely with clients who are seeking certification for their products. He provides end-to-end consulting services to ensure their products meet the necessary standards and can be successfully brought to market.

When a new client approaches, he begins by identifying the specific standards and regulations their product needs to comply with. This involves a thorough understanding of the product and its application within various industrial verticals, such as semiconductors, 5G, or Telecom. He analyzes the entire product manufacturing process to ensure that all aspects align with the required certifications.

Once he has a clear understanding of the client’s needs and the product’s specifications, he and his team offer comprehensive solutions tailored to their requirements. This includes advising on best practices, conducting necessary evaluations, and providing guidance throughout the certification process. Their goal is to facilitate a smooth transition from development to market-ready certification.

He is very happy with his current job and finds immense satisfaction in helping clients achieve their goals. The dynamic nature of his work, combined with the ability to make a significant impact in the field of cybersecurity, makes his role both challenging and rewarding.

How does he feel about having changed from a role of student to recruiter during Job dating?

It was a sudden switch, as he had never been in the position of a recruiter before, even in his previous jobs. In 2023, he was a student, and in 2024, he found himself as a recruiter, which sometimes felt quite privileged. He was grateful to EPITA for giving him this opportunity. Experiencing the event from both perspectives—as a student and now as a recruiter—was enlightening.

Seeing the enthusiasm and motivation of EPITA’s students was both funny and nostalgic. He often found himself reflecting on his own experiences as a student and wondering what the recruiters thought of him back then when he expressed similar aspirations. This dual perspective has given him a better understanding of both sides of the job search process.

Overall, this transition has been a rewarding and insightful journey, and he was happy to have had the chance to contribute to the EPITA community in a new capacity.

What was his advice for students who are looking to enroll in EPITA?

His advice to students would be to focus as much as possible during their first year at EPITA, as it is a crucial time. The first year will be challenging, but it’s important to remember that you came to EPITA to accomplish something significant. Accept the challenges, stay dedicated, and work hard during this period. Once you get through the initial hurdles, your efforts will pay off, and life will become much more rewarding. Stay persistent and committed, and you’ll find success in your studies and future career. So, his advice would be: “Focus intensely during your first year at EPITA as it is a crucial time that will set the foundation for future success.”

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