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Research and innovation, in the fields of computer science and information technology, constitute the primary source of the academic programs of the EPITA engineering school of Computer Science. The training of future engineers requires teachers who are up to date with the most recent technologies and perfectly aligned with the research world.

The EPITA Research Laboratory (LRE) is present on all the school’s campuses: Paris, Lyon, Rennes, Strasbourg, Toulouse. It tackles issues with significant stakes and is recognized both nationally and internationally.

The faculty members of research teams contribute to advancing knowledge in their respective fields. Detecting large-scale attacks and threats, guiding the diagnosis of pulmonary embolisms, contributing to discovering tomorrow’s medications, or preventing plane crashes are examples of the topics our research teams work on daily. EPITA students are invited to join them to explore research and contribute their share.

The LRE is a member of Doctoral School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Electronics of Paris (EDITE de Paris [ED130]) and is evaluated by Hcéres, ensuring the excellence of its research.

Five Research Teams


Health, industry, social sciences, and society are the fields of action for Artificial Intelligence. It allows for detecting a multitude of phenomena that escape human perception within texts, images, and even language. Our research team studies real data to create more efficient algorithms for detecting emotions, creating recommendation systems, or identifying participants in a dialogue.


A team pushes further the research on image processing and pattern recognition to broaden the perspectives of various fields such as medicine, robotics, space imaging, and many others. Will it, for example, succeed in adapting brain MRI to be able to accompany and treat children?


Data protection represents a major challenge for individuals, hospitals, and our freedoms. The EPITA cybersecurity team seeks to understand the vulnerabilities of software and machines to better protect them, enabling you to use them with peace of mind and create a trusted digital society.


Can we ensure that a plane never crashes? Or generate parallel software models and validate them? Yes, indeed! This is the task of the EPITA team that develops different types of automata to prove the proper functioning of a computer program.


To harness digital technology for the future, the team utilizes technologies offered by Artificial Intelligence, data science, natural language processing… and examines the challenges of contemporary societies, such as political extremism or addiction problems.

Maker Space, a place
for creation, innovation and collaboration

Inaugurated in 2022 by the ATELIER student association and the school’s directorate, the Maker Space, or FabLab, is a place to meet, collaborate and create, to benefit from advice and expertise, to find answers to questions and overcome technical challenges.

Located in the 7 EPITA campuses, they are accessible to all students, administrators, professors and incubated start-ups. This is the place where they will be able to imagine, design and prototype the services of the future.

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